European Champions Day 2023
Le 11/05/2023 - 09h00 - Organisé par European Champion Alliance
Coorganisé par InnoLifters, French Tech, Institut G9+

Join us for a one-day event bringing together all components of the European Deeptech ecosystem to exchange ideas on growth and success factors, as well as obstacles and challenges. Our objectives are to identify growth levers, hear inspiring case studies, overcome obstacles, and generate new relationships among European Deeptech companies. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and gain valuable insights into the Deeptech industry.
Track 1 Trusted Cloud
The rapid expansion of cloud services, which is expected to continue, will profoundly impact our lives. However, there are essential questions to consider: Will Europe be able to master this technological wave and preserve its democratic values? Or will the data we generate, which reflects our intelligence, be captured and monetized elsewhere? Additionally, as cloud serves as a launching pad for critical technologies like cybersecurity, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence, can the European ecosystem produce its own champions? Engage in discussions and network with exceptional leaders in these fields. We will provide insights into success factors and identify areas for improvement to help design a roadmap for European sovereignty. Join us to explore how we can ensure Europe stays at the forefront of these transformative technologies while preserving our values and protecting our data.
Discover all sessions of the Trusted Cloud track
Track 2 Climate Tech
The European technology industry faces several challenges regarding Climate Tech. Energy efficiency is one big topic we need to address as a European ecosystem. Challenges are the increasing demand for computing power, which leads to higher energy consumption and the lack of awareness among software developers and IT professionals about energy-efficient practices and technologies. Additionally, many software applications are designed without considering energy efficiency, and integrating energy-saving features is often not a priority.
Addressing these challenges will require a concerted effort from industry leaders, policymakers, and consumers to prioritize energy efficiency in software and technology development and use. Join us to discuss these topics with leading European industry experts and start-up founders.
Discover all sessions of the Climate Tech track
Track 3 Smart Industry
The challenges of digital transformation, reducing carbon impact, and the opportunities of predictive maintenance focus on the intersection of digital transformation and sustainability. How can we reduce the carbon impact while undertaking digital transformation in various European industries? Participants will gain insights into successful case studies and learn how predictive maintenance can help organizations reduce their carbon footprint while improving efficiency.
Attendees will come away with a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities of reducing carbon impact while undertaking digital transformation and practical solutions for implementing predictive maintenance strategies. Join us to explore leveraging digital transformation to reduce our carbon footprint and create a more sustainable future.
Discover all sessions of the Smart Industry track
- Augustin Blanchard Tikehau, Ace Capital, Executive Director
- Andrea Vaugan, ECA, CoFounder and General Secretary
- Philippe Herbert, Ministry of economy, Finance..., PassFrenchTech creator
- Andreas Walbrodt, enclaive, CEO
- Anaïs Voy-Gillis, June Partners, Associate Chief
- Dominique Tessier, ECA, Head of Cybersecurity
- Michel Serié, InnoLifters, Founder and General Manager
- Bettina Serié, Innolifters, Partner
- Christian Schläger, Build 38, CEO
- Guillaume Poupard, Docaposte, Deputy General Manager
- Gaëlle Picard, Docaposte, Director of External Relations
- Michel Paulin, OVHcloud, CEO
- Olivier Lluansi, BPIFrance Le Lab, Strategy&Partner and Senior Fellow
- Jade le Maitre, PROXINNOV, CEO
- Marc Kaplan, Vericloud, CEO
- Lubomila Jordanova, Plan A, CEO and CoFounder
- Philippe Huberdeau, Scale UP Europe, General Secretary
- Florent Grosmaitre, CryptoNext Security, CEO
- Valérie Gombart, Hi Inov, Founder and CEO
- Valerian Giesz, Quandela, CEO
- Olivier Ezratty, Quantum Energy Initiative, Freelance technology...
- Luc d'Urso, Atempo, CEO
- Cecilia Bohnefeld-Dahl, DIGITALEUROPE, General Director
- Gilles Babinet, CNNum, Entrepreneur and Co-chairman
- Renaud Allioux, Preligens, CoFounder and CTO
Référence : G9plus-1088
Inscriptions closesContact : Bruno Dember
3 Quai de Grenelle
75015 Paris
Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel RER C
Bir-Hakeim Métro 6